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Główna >> Poprzednia strona >> Szczegóły ogłoszenia Senior Qa Engineer_kraków

Senior Qa Engineer_kraków

For our Client, Polish department of British IT company we are currently looking for: Senior QA Engineer Location: Krakow

For our Client, Polish department of British IT company we are currently looking for:

Senior QA Engineer
Location: Krakow


-collaborating with the developers and product owners to ensure the user story is understood and that the tests track the desired functionality of the story
-writing detailed test cases to drive development and testing the code against the acceptance tests
-monitoring and tracking test coverage and recommended improvements or changes to developers
-developing on-going test automation to integrate acceptance and component tests into the continuous testing environment

Essential Skills:

-excellent test automation skills, with a background of testing on web/e-commerce products
-experience with Selenium or similar tools, with knowledge of test-driven development
-ability to test in an Agile development context
-experience in manual web testing
-understanding of test script creation and functional UAT practices
-good knowledge of common testing procedures and methodologies
-good English language skills (spoken and written)


-able to mentor teams in QA and testing methods
-lead other QA members to improve overall test practices

We offer:

-possibility of development on independent and responsible position
-salary range 8 000 - 11 000 PLN gross (depends on the level of experience)
-stable work in international environment
-professional and personal development
-great atmosphere and comfortable work environment
-attractive compensation package

If you are interested in the offer above please send your application in English to the following address: edge@edge.com.pl

Please note that we will contact only selected candidates.

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli : "Zgadzam się na wykorzystanie przez firmę Barbara Rodziewicz edge recruitment z siedzibą w Krakowie, ul. Radosna 3/2 danych osobowych w celu pośrednictwa pracy (posiadania i przetwarzania przekazanych danych osobowych oraz ich udostępniania klientom w ramach prowadzonych projektów rekrutacyjnych) zgodnie z obowiązującą Ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz.U.2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926) aż do momentu pisemnego wycofania zgody. Potwierdzam, że zostałem poinformowany o prawach do zmiany, dostępu i ochrony tych danych".

Numer w rejestrze agencji zatrudnienia: 5038

Telefon: +48 12 313 14 16

Tagi:   Senior Qa Engineer_kraków

 Powiat krakowski

Senior Qa Engineer_kraków
Senior Qa Engineer_kraków



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